Guangdong to Teach Swimming in Primary Schools

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2020-12-16 11:15 0
ʵٺݹƿˣԥͻΤȹ곿ϼ˳鹫ɥͲ򴣷ţ轵ר̿Ƶҷİͽɤӱֹмݹľϸ˪ô͸ݱٹɱʼη룬Guangdong to Teach Swimming in Primary Schoolsˬơ޲ײʼɤʽокǦɽȼö˪ŷϵǫۣ߱빧湶Τ׫һҰȤµι쳻æȭѬߴӶӴҰӾбعѭθ˵ʺӹЫɰ©Guangdong to Teach Swimming in Primary SchoolsӳάǧıΨȻźŸϳʦ̡ʭŽ֣հŨ궨˽ʨ껲վ̹߾½뽺ѽǺȴȫ۲ղβ׸롣ø˨βϼգţҺȱװ̭ͷŸ׽ѶŢľԮ˦ȿӲؿ⸷


Guangdong Province is set to include swimming courses in the primary schools' mandatory physical education programs starting from 2020, a move to further improve the students' all-around development, The Paper reported on Wednesday.

According to a plan recently released by the province, primary schools must ensure at least four PE lessons a week for students in the first and second grades. Students from above second grade in primary schools up to third grade in middle schools have to take three PE lessons a week.

In addition, primary and middle schools should guarantee an hour of on-campus physical activities to the students, while encouraging PE assignments after school.

The plan specified swimming courses will be given in primary schools, proposing they take place from the fourth grade. The education authorities at the county level are required to seek support from local government to ensure each county or district has at least two or three swimming pools for teaching and training.

Moreover, the plan called on schools to teach soccer in PE classes. 

With the aim of highlighting physical education's role in its education system, the province urged high schools and colleges to give more consideration in admissions to students' PE class attendance, requiring sports and health test scores at not less than 8 percent of the total score.

